We are a growing church that has a passion for making disciples, a love for the Word of God, and a commitment to take the gospel to the entire world. We desire to be a church that glorifies the Lord by going where the people are, bringing the lost to Jesus, and building believers up in their faith by making disciples. We believe God has a plan for all his children to be involved in his mission. We seek to equip God’s people for that mission through the process of making disciples.

Our mission in our Harvest Kids ministry is to partner with parents/guardians to help shape their children's spiritual direction. We want them to BE LOVED, we want them to HAVE FUN, and we want them to KNOW GOD.
SUNDAY | 9:00am-10:00am
Student Ministry (6th-12th grade)
Ministry Tools & Training (September-May)
Scheduled Classes (Cost of Discipleship/New Members)
SUNDAY | 10:30am-12:00pm
Main Service
Harvest Kids (Nursery-5th Grade)
WEDNESDAY | 6:15pm-7:45pm
Harvest Kids (Nursery-5th Grade during the school year)
Student Ministry (6th-12th grades during the school year)
Adult Small Groups
ADULT SMALL GROUPS | 6:30pm-7:45pm
These groups meet twice a month.
We strive to obey God's command to preach and teach his word. If you would like to hear our past messages, they are available on most streaming platforms. Our services are also livestreamed on Facebook and YouTube if you prefer.